Kurt Kreissl
No. 781
Oil on panel
24 x 14 inches
WMOCA International Biennial Portrait Compétition 2019
Curators David Hummer Margaret Bowland
Awarded: Honorable Mention
“Organic change is erratic in a fluid way. The variations of nature are continuous. While the whole of transformation is an unstoppable force, points in its continuum are able to be marked; observed; impressed; apprehended. These points are forms, perceivable and definable. Defining forms; naming them, calling them- opens the great occurrence of transformation. Our definitions abstract from the assembly of things moving together in time and space. It can be said that we stop what we articulate.
I call out and stop pieces of transformation. I look at the space between emergence and drift and choose moments to seize, develop, and relay. I reflect senses from the whole world of change and refract them into our own- light becoming breath; response becoming sensuality; lust becoming intimacy; physicality becoming spiritual ecstasy. I explore the properties of sensate life in mixed media: oil & acrylic paint, graphite, and digital. I celebrate the realm where what is moves to what may be.” Kurt Kreissl