Anastasiya Chy-Fender

Study of Lindsey
15 x 20 inches

Anastasiya Chy-Fender was born in Ukraine and immigrated with her parents to US when she was 14. She started drawing and painting in childhood and received figure-based atelier training. She earned a bachelors and master’s degrees in architecture from Cooper Union and University of Texas at Arlington.

Over that last years she has received additional training studying with established realist painters and in workshops.

Anastasiya’s work is found in private collections across United States as well as Germany, Russia and Ukraine. She has been recognized by National Portrait Society, Connecticut Society of Portrait Artists and others.

Currently she teaches design and drawing at University of Texas in Arlington and paints fervently in her studio in Dallas.

Her portraiture investigates into the realm of human soul looking to capture the idiosyncratic mystery of each individual she paints.



I draw and paint people that possess answers. Currently I focus on womanhood in search of defining the role of tradition and the extend of personal choice that women actually have in the current age. Secretly I hope to absorb and never let go of the forces that I behold when I paint my beautiful subjects.

Realism is my preferred style because I choose to maintain as much integrity to the visual appearance of my subjects as possible because I believe that there is a profound interlink between the external and the internal. That being very curious and very attentive earns you the right to judge a book by its cover.

I stare into the eyes of my subjects for many hours and at some point, I think I understand them.


Roger Derrick


Ellen Maidman-Tanner